
Q1. How long does it take to make Suppon?
A1. A standardized SUPPON will be shipped within 3 business days after the shortest.
  Custom items will be estimated in every case.

Q2. How often does Suppon need maintenance?
A2. As same as other undercut forming parts.

Q3. Does Suppon have coated surface?
A3. Yes. Suppon has specially treated surface by our original method.

Q4. How deep undercut can Suppon mold?
A4. Up to 150mm depth undercut can be formed by one unit of Suppon.

Q5. Can I see the actual sample of Suppon?
A5. Come to see the excellent sliding behavior of Suppon
       at our Hiroshima headquarters office, Tokyo office and exhibitions.
       Furthermore, we are always accepting requests of
       holding presentation about Suppon. Please feel free to contact us.


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